Tips when designing your own template

Here are some tips when developing your own NamicSoft templates. You are always welcome to contact us if you have any questions. 1. Test your SQLite statements with a specialized SQLite Manager Using a specialized SQLite manager to try your SQLite statements, before...

SelectValue (content control)

The SelectValue content control is used to evaluate a SQL statement against your scanning results. The result is normally presented in a text field. The text font, color, sizing etc can be designed using all design features available in Microsoft Word. The SelectValue...

Repeat (content control)

The Repeat content control will repeat its content. The content can be tables and/or text fields. This content control is best used for repeating content that consists of either text fields and tables, or only text fields. If you only want information to be repeated...

Bar_chart (content control)

Bar_chart is used to present information in a bar e chart. This content type is suitable for e.g. presenting the number of vulnerabilities with different severity. You can design the bar chart directly using all functionality available in Microsoft Word. Please note...

Pie_chart (content control)

Pie_chart is used to present information in a pie chart. This content type is suitable for e.g. presenting the number of vulnerabilities with different severity. You can design the pie chart directly using all functionality available in Microsoft Word. Tutorial for...